Friday, 30 September 2011

hello world

Hello word. How you doing?

I miss to writing my story here. But as usual, so lazy to get starting to type it. Hahaha. Such a long story that I wanna tell you, but I don’t know how to start it. Hehe.

Finally. I’m graduated from my campus. UUM. Universiti utara malaysia. Now I can say that time goes so fast. Such like I don’t want to leave this country so soon :’(

Well, I miss my country as well. But kind hard to come back my home. haha :p

Lot of unexpected stories that I wanna share to you from last semester. May be not a lot but at least finally I did everything that I like for last semester. I’ve played violin for the big event. Busy for playing music. Now i really missing that moment. I missed the moment that we were really hectic for practiced in a rushing time. Hahaha. I even paly for TV 3 station, even it was hand sing (pretend playing the music) but it was solo. Hahaha. Can’t imagned that I could be on TV live. Hehe. I’ve missed my violin already :’( i’m not sure whether i still could play it or not when i back home. Hopefully i still can feel it.

Festival Filem & Video Pelajar Malaysia ke-8. 05032011

me, (yan ting, the clever one) and marisa.

our conductor :)

three of them did came to watched us :D anyway, we also took a pic. with the actress :)

remind of the first time play for convocation and also for the first joined the concert at UUM.

our farewell party at Danok, Thailand. and it was on my b'day. so sweet, they sang b'day song for me :))

and yeah, I've got a little thing that called memories. thanks Yenny :)

kind of farewell party for International Business Seminar students. look at the twins. they were so cute :*

4 months for holiday, waiting for my graduation day. I spent it in Jakarta for a month. Now I have a niece already. My sister was born a baby! Her name was Nadazalfa Ivabel Rahmadi. Guess what?! Her niece was born in the same date and month with me!! We’re such a twin in a different years. Hehe. She is my little cute twin. Hope she’ll be a better pretty girl than me :D

I miss her already. When i was home she was still 2 months, can’t play anything with me :(

my cute little twin :*

Now i had a little part time job in KL for 3 months. But now, I’ve resigned already. Haha. I’ve met new friends that was complete my day here. Hope we still can keep in touch each other and have a meet someday.

we played ice skating at Sunway Piramid before sella's day. it was nice.


still on Sella's day :D

the pictures of them.

look at the weird faces of them. we had a karaoke that night. we'll be meet up again someday :)

Sunday, 6 February 2011

They leave footprints in my heart

They just like me when I had internship in Taiwan. The different is, I took care for elementary and junior high school at that time, but them? need to took care college students.

AIESEC. they are AIESECer. They came to UUM to presents for HIV/AIDS and C.U.T.E (Culture Understanding Through Exchange).

First, I became the buddy of one intern, actually two. but another one was really independent just like doesn't need a buddy for her. so that I got close with another one. His name was Dmitriy Tsybulko form Kazakhstan. Adi from Indonesia was also our friend during his internship in UUM. Dmitriy was relly funny! you need to meet him someday. haha. Adi, was the interns that I called lucky, could meet us. hehe. here are I gave you the pictures.

well, it was not everyday we've met, but seldom. haha. nice !!

this was when they almost gone, they need to back where they belong to.

I'm type of forgetful person. but, I almost could remind every single day that I spent with them.

even sometimes we had a little problem to talked for Dmitriy, but it was really nice to know you! we even made a goodbye video for him from everyone that he know, but unfortunately it can't give to him cause lack of time. so we just gave him through FB. and he really want to have the soft-copy. hey you! enjoy and take care of yourself. Again, why I called Adi was lucky? cause he got the CD of goodbye video from us. we're not really away from miles, like another, cause we're in the same country. I hope we could see each other, then :)

Second, it was story about another intern in second batch. his name was Shotaro Sezaki. as you heard by his name, he was from Japan. I didn't get really close with him, but Marisa did. then, I just followed them to spent days together.

it was really made us refreshed to meet them after class :)

I took him to my auntie's home to break fasting together. even he didn't fasting, but he really appreciate us who did it. it was really the kindest from him. the funniest story came while they came back to UUM, but I can't with them, cause I stayed in my auntie's home :D

this could be the saddest part for us to let him went back at the airport. even we didn't spent days as Dmitriy, but to let him leave us was the saddest time from another intern. we will always remember you Shotaro. wish you always fine there :)

Third, would be Phuong !! she was from Vietnam. we just spent our days together when she almost need to went back. but, it was really nice. we had dinner together, lunch, and even taste the ABC (kind of mixed fruit with ice) which sold only in Kachi (dorm outside campus). every intern that got close with us, we invite them to try it on. cause it was really delicious.

this was after we ate the ABC. we took a little bit crazy pic, while we waited for the bus. we took another pic. of remind Shotaro's style. fun! :D

it was the farewell party for her. we made a farewell for each of them. but don't have the pics of all. hehee.

we took two of them to the airport, but not for Phuong, cause she took the bus from UUM, then just escorted her to the bus.

Hey, you. even we just had a little time to spent with, but all of you just did it. leave footprints in my heart. I'm really wish that we could meet and have another time to spent together, wherever it is. missing you.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

1st August 2010

Hey, how are you?

It’s such a long time I didn't write anything in here.

First of all, I wanna share my sister’s day. Day that will never be forgotten!
Yaaa. It’s about her marriage!! How happy she is, finally, she’s not single a kind and handsome husband!! :D
1st august 2010
It was a beautiful day ever for my family!
Those are the pictures

We play music with the couple. Hahaha. Interesting! the bride also singing with her best friend :)

here is my cute brother gave songs for the couple :D

this was the wedding cake that we gave as a little surprise for them :)

hey all, I really appreciate that you all can came for this great moment. some of their pic. :))
I can't forget for those who are coming. big thanks for your time.
Hugs and Kisses :* smooch.. :D

here are pic. of my dearest violin teacher. (Ka tino with his wife, Mbak rika)
finally you came and participate played music together. it was really nice and won't be replaced. :)
thank you. you are the greatest one kak. ^^

once again.
thanks for everyone who are in charge for this ceremony.
May God give the grace and guidance to the couple.
Na.Da. (Nana & Danang)
Love you lots :)

I like this picture of mine. thanks for whom taken this pic. :)